Monday 19 December 2011

Bought for baby

With both Christmas and a LatteBaby's birthday coming up, we went for a shopping trip! After 4 big children departments like Toys r Us, Barnets Hus etc I was too excited for words. Both Lattebaby and I were running around like mad children and my sister was trying to keep our restrained saying no every time he grabbed something, and I asked if I could have it, pleaseeeeeeeeeee?? Some things we got were:

This birthday present for LatteBaby. He talks he dances an he teaches! Got it for a great price as well!
Just do it!
Wellies by Viking
I consider this last item to be for me. It's a brilliant train set by Jabadabado. It's called the birthday train. Along with the wooden train pieces you get wooden numbers from 0-9. So technically you could be using this for years and years to come. I envision Zach's 90th Birthday party with this wooden train in the centre!

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